Fifrelin, Acrylique sur toile (Acrylic on canvas), 162x278cm
Cet ensemble de deux peintures est inspiré par le chateau de la Rochechinard, situé sur les contreforts ouest du massif du Vercors, dans la Drôme. Découvert un hiver lorsque le soleil transformait l’horizon en un ciel incandescent et où la neige se cristallisait sur les arbres, j’ai voulu revisiter en peinture le souvenir laissé par ce lieu. Une légende y est attachée dont mes deux toiles se font l’écho. Voilà cinq siècles, l'épouse du seigneur de Rochechinard aurait abandonné à la naissance son fils difforme dans les bois. Celui-ci, sauvé par un garde du château, aurait été élevé par la garnison qui lui apprit à jouer du fifre et le baptisa Fifrelin. Quant à la mère indigne, son confesseur lui enjoignit de se retirer du monde, ce qu'elle fit en se réfugiant dans le souterrain reliant le château de Rochechinard à celui d'Hostun. Depuis lors, la légende subsiste d'une Dame Blanche apparaissant tantôt à Rochechinard tantôt à Hostun, et portant dans ses bras un petit être jouant du fifre.
La Dame Blanche, Acrylique sur toile (Acrylic on canvas), 162x278cm
The Rochechinard castle in the Vercors Massif inspired this set of two paintings. I discovered it one winter when the sunset transformed the sky into bright incandescent colours and the snow sparkled like crystals. I wanted to revisit the memories the place left in my imagination. Both my paintings echo a legend attached to the castle. Five centuries ago, the wife of the seigneur of Rochechinard abandoned his newly born deformed son in the woods. Rescued by a guard, he was brought up by the castle garrison who taught him to play the fife and named him Fifrelin. As for the unworthy mother, her confessor advised her to retire from the world. She took refuge in an underground tunnel linking Rochichenard to Hostun catle. Since then, the legend says that a White Lady appears sometimes at Rochechinard or Hostun, holding in her arms a small being playing the fife.
The Rochechinard castle in the Vercors Massif inspired this set of two paintings. I discovered it one winter when the sunset transformed the sky into bright incandescent colours and the snow sparkled like crystals. I wanted to revisit the memories the place left in my imagination. Both my paintings echo a legend attached to the castle. Five centuries ago, the wife of the seigneur of Rochechinard abandoned his newly born deformed son in the woods. Rescued by a guard, he was brought up by the castle garrison who taught him to play the fife and named him Fifrelin. As for the unworthy mother, her confessor advised her to retire from the world. She took refuge in an underground tunnel linking Rochichenard to Hostun catle. Since then, the legend says that a White Lady appears sometimes at Rochechinard or Hostun, holding in her arms a small being playing the fife.
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